Un regalo di Bonaria Biancu
di fiordiferro - 28 December 2007
tags interni : biblioteca, web 2.0, web semantico, Xpensiero.
Vi segnalo la strenna natalizia di Bonaria su Infobib.de
Questo l’incipit:
“This is the christmas edition of our LibWorld series. Our guest author today is Bonaria Biancu. She’s working as technologist in the Library of the University of Milano-Bicocca. She’s a widely known as an library 2.0 advocate. Consequently she blogs as The Geek Librarian and lets us participate in her speeches at slideshare. Bonaria Biancu introduces the Italian biblioblogosphere to us, which really looks like a very colorful one.”
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10 January 2008 alle 9:53 pm
Ciao, mitica Scuola3D, non potevate mancare proprio voi, grandi amici delle biblioteche e dei bibliotecari
Auguri e belle cose e bei pensieri per voi tutti!